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Paris’s renowned Musée d’Orsay, home to an unparalleled collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist masterpieces, is set to mint NFTs celebrating Vincent Van Gogh’s concluding months.

Beginning Oct. 4, these exclusive NFTs will be up for grabs in collaboration with Tezos. There will be a dual offering of NFTs, with a total of 2,300 tokens for each type available on the Tezos platform.

One of these NFTs promises an immersive augmented reality journey through Van Gogh’s last-used palette. The other showcases an original digital piece crafted by the French artist KERU, channeling Van Gogh’s iconic aesthetic.

In addition to owning these unique digital keepsakes tied to the upcoming exhibit “Van Gogh in Auvers-sur-Oise: The Final Months” scheduled for Oct. 3, NFT holders stand a chance to secure rewards like lifelong museum admissions and exclusive event invites.

With sights set on the future, by 2024, the Musée d’Orsay plans to enlist blockchain-savvy digital artists to conceive collections drawing inspiration from their timeless exhibits.

This forward-thinking endeavor resonates with the institution’s objective to captivate newer and younger art enthusiasts, leaning into the potential of breakthrough technologies like NFTs and blockchain.