A Month For Under 30 Entrepreneurs To Work Remotely, Network, Explore And Mentor Local Entrepreneurs
NEW YORK, March 9, 2022 – Throughout February, Forbes hosted the first-ever Forbes Under 30 Residency program in Bermuda, in partnership with the Bermuda Tourism Authority, or BTA. The month-long residency, hosted at the Hamilton Princess Hotel and Beach Club, brought together 54 alumni from Forbes’ global 30 Under 30 lists to network, to collaborate and take part in a mentoring program for Bermuda’s local entrepreneurs.
With the goal of elevating global entrepreneurship through personal and business connection and to showcase the work of local entrepreneurs in Bermuda, Forbes Under 30 alumni were paired with local entrepreneurs representing the next generation of Bermudian business talent. Over the course of the month, Under 30s met with mentees to help them develop their business ideas, discuss, and refine strategies to scale their product or service, and provide support as they take their concepts to the next level. In addition to the mentorship program, participants also engaged in a marine clean-up, panel conversations, tours of local businesses, speaking opportunities with students and local business groups, and other local community-minded initiatives. Forbes partner Kirk-Anthony Hamilton, founder and managing director of The Infiniti Partnership, helped introduce the residency participants to organizations and opportunities around the island throughout the month.
To conclude the residency, Forbes held a “Shark Tank”-style pitch event in Bermuda’s capital, staged by Bermuda Tourism Authority and Bermuda Economic Development Corporation, and hosted by the Corporation of Hamilton featuring an address by the Mayor of the City of Hamilton, Charles Gosling
Select entrepreneurs were invited to pitch their business on-stage to a panel of esteemed local industry experts and an audience of Under 30 alums. They received feedback on their business ideas and, alongside their mentors, answered questions about how the pairing helped the mentee develop or scale their businesses, and their key takeaways from the program. Finalists were also given the opportunity to display their product in the lobby during the pre- and post-event reception.
“We would like to thank everyone on the island of Bermuda for hosting us so generously for the past month and allowing us to connect members of our 30 Under 30 network with Bermuda’s exciting next generation of entrepreneurial talent,” said Alexandra Sternlicht, Under 30 Editorial Community Lead at Forbes. “As this vibrant island’s economic recovery continues in 2022, we were proud to work with the Bermuda Tourism Authority to showcase the island, its innovators and their businesses to our global Under 30 community and beyond.”
“BTA was pleased to host the Forbes Under 30 group, along with our partners at Hamilton Princess,” said BTA CEO, Charles Jeffers II.“We were gratified to see the meaningful collaboration with Bermuda’s thriving entrepreneur community, and the enthusiastic way this young group of professionals embraced Bermuda’s culture and community. Millions of their social media followers were exposed to Bermuda’s beauty, and experienced the welcoming spirit and hospitality we provide.”
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Forbes champions success by celebrating those who have made it, and those who aspire to make it. Forbes convenes and curates the most influential leaders and entrepreneurs who are driving change, transforming business and making a significant impact on the world. The Forbes brand today reaches more than 150 million people worldwide through its trusted journalism, signature LIVE and Forbes Virtual events, custom marketing programs and 47 licensed local editions in 80 countries. Forbes Media’s brand extensions include real estate, education and financial services license agreements.
Forbes recently announced plans to go public through a business combination with Magnum Opus (NYSE: OPA), a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC), which is expected to close in the first quarter of 2022.
Releases, Forbes Press. “Forbes Hosts First-Ever under 30 Residency in Bermuda-A Month for under 30 Entrepreneurs to Work Remotely, Network, Explore and Mentor Local Entrepreneurs.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 10 Mar. 2022, https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbespr/2022/03/09/forbes-hosts-first-ever-under-30-residency-in-bermuda-a-month-for-under-30-entrepreneurs-to-work-remotely-network-explore-and-mentor-local-entrepreneurs/?sh=1bc538666d4b.